m4 alternate paper qualification
 group is on the paper target NO SIGHT CHANGES SHOULD BE MADE AT THIS. Qualification ratings for the alternate course as follows: • EXPERT: Hits 38 to 40 targets
FM3-22.9 Table of ContentsWhite Papers; Magazines; Books; Online Store; Subscribe Now!. RIFLE MARKSMANSHIP M16A1, M16A2/3, M16A4 and M4. Record Fire Standards : 6-8. Record Fire : 6-9. Alternate Qualification.
Army 25m Paper Targets [Archive] - Military Photos
Law Enforcement Targets, Inc.: 25 METER M16A1 (ALT-C) TARGETAND M4 CARBINE 1. Change FM 3-22.9(FM 23-9), 24. Alternate Qualification Courses. pasters: Small white or black gum-backed paper used. Law Enforcement Targets, Inc; ALT C QUAL, M16 Target (ALT-C) 25 Meter M16A1 Alternate course "C" qualification target. HEAVY TAGBOARD PAPER Black. Size: 17.
M-16 WEAPONS QUALIFICATION, 25 METER ALTERNATE COURSEActually there is....It's called the Alternate C qualification. The shooter engages 2 target papers.. How much different is the 16A2 target from the M4.
Qualification for m4 range on paper targetsArmy weapons qualification, 25 meter paper targets, QUALIFICATION, 25 METER ALTERNATE COURSE RIFLE RANGE, printable mw2 overveiw maps The M23 is painted yellow and is.
m4 alternate paper qualification Kneeling Position added to Rifle Qualification Table - Topic
Kneeling Position added to Rifle Qualification Table - Topic
Kneeling Position added to Rifle Qualification Table - Topic
FM3-22.9 Table of Contents
M16 Rifle Marksmanship
Download: What form is the m4 qualification targets at Marks Web.
25 M Alternate Qualification Card by Clayton